Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bug Out Back Cover Finalized

I just received a PDF from my editor of the final version of the back cover for Bug Out: The Complete Plan for Escaping a Catastrophic Disaster Before It's Too Late.  Everything is ready to go to press now, so the finished product is right around the corner.


  1. Hello,Scott! I will be reviewing your book at the request of a mutual friend. The review will be posted at, in the forum section ( It is a site dedicated to peak oil, and how to survive in the PAW. Many salient discussions going on now about the BP disaster.. Stop by the forum, if you aren't already a member...a great place to plug the book. My handle there is kopperhead.

    Looking forward to the book. :)

  2. Thanks for the heads-up. I have been to that site, and I will join the forum.

    Hope you enjoy the book.


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