Monday, January 4, 2010

Manuscript Finished

The manuscript for Bug Out: The Complete Plan for Escaping a Catastrophic Disaster Before It's Too Late has been completed and submitted to my publisher last week.  There is still much work to do before the publication date of May 1, 2010, as there will be the normal round of revisions and I still have to complete things like the appendices, bibliography and index.  For those who have been asking just exactly what this book is all about, I will include the table of contents in my next post.  In addition, I will soon be launching a new blog to accompany the book and allow me to expand on some of the content within it as well as address related topics.  In the meantime,  you can read the publisher's description of  the book below or go to the Amazon page for it, where it is already listed and available for pre-order: 

Bug Out: The Complete Plan for Escaping a Catastrophic Disaster Before It's Too Late

Book Description:

Escaping a doomed city during the first few hours of an impending crisis can make the difference between life and death. The tragic lesson of Hurricane Katrina applies to any large-scale crisis: Don’t hope to wait it out or expect the government to bail you out – just get out. Since natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and civil unrest may be unavoidable and can quickly strip away all the comforts and security of civilization, Bug Out provides the information readers need to make an exit and escape the ensuing chaos sure to befall those who do not know how to react. From pre-planning and mapping out an escape route to preparing gear and supplies for wilderness living in a remote location, this book provides the ordinary urban-dwelling American with information on what to take and where to go to have the best chance of survival. Bug Out includes advice on overcoming pitfalls (like road or gas station closures) that could delay or even prevent one’s escape and provides descriptions of more than one hundred potential wilderness “bug-out locations” in all parts of the Lower 48 States.

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